Sunday, January 6, 2013

GMC guidelines regarding Continuing Medical Education and Credit Hours


Medical Science is dynamic and it is essential for the doctor to become acquainted with the advances in medicine. This is in essence the concept of Continuing Medical Education (CME). Tremendous advances are taking place in the field of medical sciences, continuously changing the concept, approach to management and the outcome of several diseases. The rapid pace of these advances makes it mandatory for doctors to keep themselves updated so that they may apply this information to their practice & thus fortify his/her competence and knowledge by keeping abreast with the latest developments in the field.

The changing demographic profile of our country is also accompanied by changing disease patterns, education profile and health awareness. This has resulted in substantial increase in expenditure on health by individuals and also by Government. While the doctors to population ratio has been steadily improving due to the exponential growth of Medical Institutions, the rapid pace of technological and scientific advances, and the looming threat of new disease clearly mandate a system of continuing medical education to keep the medical personnel current in terms of knowledge and skills, thereby enhancing Medial Education and health care system to a global model.

Hence Continuing Medical Education is felt need to update the knowledge of all doctors. Imparting new knowledge and skills in medicine to the professional in a systematic manner is possible only through Continuing Medical Education Programme.


Gujarat Medical Council will give Credit hours to the registered Medical Practitioners as per the guidelines which is in existence at specific time. Any changes will be intimated to the members in due time.

A Physician should participate in professional meetings as part of Continuing Medical Education Programs and should earn 30 hours per year or 150 credit hours for every 5 years.